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Inspired Living and Working

My name is Liz Garratt and I am the owner of Harmony By Design Inc. and the founder of Inspired Living and Working ™.


Inspired Living and Working (ILAW) is the culmination and evolution of 30+ years of business (life) planning / consulting / coaching experience woven together with my spiritual journey of awakening.


In your life, do you feel like you’re pushing the river? Like you know there’s more and yet you continue to do the same things, or even lose ground?


In your work, is there more calling you? Have you fully realized and brought forth the gifts you have to offer? Is there a next level of fulfillment you have yet to reach?

Does it feel like there is never enough time, money, energy for all you love and care about? Like there's an invisible wall standing between you and the life you are here to enjoy? 


There really is another way -- a simpler, kinder, good-for-all way. We were born with an inner guidance system that knows this way. We simply have to return to its wisdom. Inspired Living and Working ™ can get you back there.


Living and Working Can Help You...

  • Connect with and utilize your inner guidance system to line up with the life, love, and work you were born to experience.

  • Heal and elevate your relationships with everyone and everything, including yourself.

  • Design and grow an inspired business or worklife -- one that allows you to bring forth all you are here to contribute in safe, sustainable, and impactful ways.

  • Navigate energies and challenges that show up on your inspired path.

  • Get where you are going in the simplest, most direct, and highest outcomes for all way.

 First Simple Step: Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is designed to get you started. It will give you a taste of ILAW and working with Liz. You will leave it with greater clarity and confidence about:

  • What really matters to you; 

  • Your focus and intention moving forward - what you desire to create;

  • Practices that support you;

  • Next steps;

  • Whether Inspired Living and Working is right for you. 


The initial consultation is a 2-hour session, followed up with a written summary of insights, observations, and suggested next steps.

If you decide to continue with ILAW, customized options will be offered.

The initial consultation is $500 plus GST

For more information or to book,


What My Inspired Friends are Saying...

… Liz has been there, done that, and, from wisdom birthed through her lived experience, leads those of us who are interested in exploring that path with a gentle grace, compassion and faith …  


… What amazes me still is Liz’s ability to gently but firmly, show me how to dig deeper and be in touch with my greatest strengths and abilities …  


 … In these 2 years since working with Liz, I got out of a depression; I have grown my business to nearly double the income; I am loving my business schedule and life, and so much more.


… Liz artfully took me down a path of exploration, delving into what I want out of my life, looking at my core values and innate strengths and aspirations …


… Working with Liz has affirmed that it is possible to do business in a heart-centered and aligned way ... 


… She moves seamlessly as coach, mentor and trusted friend. Liz is intuitive, gentle, wise and generous. 


… Liz always helps me distill my thoughts until I am clear ... 


About Liz

First and foremost I am a student of the Inspired Living and Working process. Everything I share with others, I use myself. My life and work continue to evolve under the guidance of Inspired Living and Working. Since experiencing the life changing results for myself, I now accompany and support others to create and sustain lives and work that align with their inner callings. 


I have come to understand that as we individually heal ourselves, we heal our world…we return to the lives we’re here to live…we use our gifts in ways that serve the highest good. This knowing fuels us and keeps us showing up, listening, trusting, and acting even when it’s not easy.


Photograph by Janis Dow, Lightwork Consulting.


Contact Liz

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Copyright 2020 Harmony By Design Inc. - Liz Garratt

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